Your life deserves your attention.

The investment you make in yourself also ripples out to those around you and Held knows you care about lifting not only yourself and those you love and care about, but also the world in which you live. 

Held is committed to providing you with opportunities to learn, love and live in ways that feel aligned and supportive to your values and personal circumstances. In an environment that enables, encourages and motivates, you will find Yoga, Human Design, Polyvagal Theory, HeartMath® Coaching and 1:1 Counselling on offer here. 

These modalities may seem varied but at Held, they are collective threads woven together to do exactly that – to hold you – and to hold whatever it is you need as you develop an individual, integrated experience of living. The intention and ardent hope for Held is that you find the place that holds you with fullness and stability, whether it’s through one or more of the offerings.



i. Yoga for the Nervous System

ii. Trauma Sensitive Yoga

iii. General Yoga

The Nervous System

i. Anchoring - Understanding Polyvagal Theory - an online course

ii. Yoga for the Nervous System

1:1 Services

i. HeartMath® Heart Rate Variability (HRV) Coaching & Practice

ii. Foundational Human Design


i. General Public Classes

ii. Workshops & Events 

  • “I love how you give choice. I hate being told what to do in life and you always provide a safe space and autonomy. You empower people in their own bodies in their own practice. You also connect your class meaning to life and the bigger picture and I have felt so transported by you and your teaching style.”

  • “Woah, where has this been all my life?! I feel like I now finally understand how I can lean into my strengths, both personally and professionally. It’s like I have been handed the cheat sheet to living my true self! Thank you so much Kate – I can’t put into words how empowering this is for me.”

  • “Yesterday I was off balance and barely able to fully express myself. There was a part of me that immediately wanted to beat myself up for failing but mostly I wanted to embrace feeling proud for doing something for myself. I think all your lovely teachings have been part of my journey.”


If you cannot find what you are looking for and you have questions, or need support, please get in touch.