1:1 Services

HeartMath® HRV Coaching | Foundational Human Design | 1:1 Counselling


HeartMath® HRV Coaching

The HeartMath Institute has been researching the heart-brain connection and learning how the heart influences our perceptions, emotions, intuition and health for over 25 years. Its technology provides science-based techniques, coherence technology and education but most vitally (and most simply), HeartMath® teaches us to tap into the power and intelligence of our heart. 

Tuning into your heart’s wisdom creates a profound shift within that helps you approach situations with more emotional balance, compassion, clarity and personal confidence. 

As a HeartMath® Coach, I guide you to access and apply the power and intelligence of your heart in your day-to-day life, building a solid sense of personal resilience over the course of our time together. Because different patterns of our heart activity have different effects on our thoughts and behaviours, we will dive into Heart Rate Variability (HRV) and Coherence techniques to retrain the stress response and provide you with opportunity to begin to live and love more from a place of empowerment, resilience and self-security. Leaning into the simple, but effective techniques HeartMath® Coaching can provide may support a balancing of mental and emotional energy and may support you with: 

  • a greater sense of focus

  • improvement in sleep

  • improvement in calmness

  • experiences of anxiety and stress

  • reduced fatigue

  • experiences of depression

To chat further and feel out how HeartMath Coaching can support you, book your complimentary 15 minute Discovery Call below.

You can also send us a message.

Our client intake is currently at capacity



Foundational Human Design

It is common to find ourselves in environments and situations where we receive messages about who we are, who we should be or become, and what we need to do and be in order to survive and thrive. We are literally and liberally bombarded by messaging of how we are supposed to be, act and even sound like. Knowing your truth and walking your authentic path can be tough when you are under siege from so much conditioning. 

Through charting derived from your exact birth data (time, day, date and place), Human Design offers a map, a blueprint that re-acquaints you with your unique, and most optimal way of exchange with those around you and the wider world. When we live in energetic truth, life flows with ease, opportunities that are meant for us present themselves and we discover our potential to most positively impact and influence the world around us. 

Held recognises you are never alone in your experience of human beingness, but you are undoubtedly unique. It also believes one of the most loving things we can do for ourselves and the collective is to be brave enough to be our real selves. But growing self-awareness, cultivating kindness and stepping into the courageousness of being seen can be challenging. 

The Foundational Human Design session is a gateway and introduction to the fundamental aspects of your unique energetic DNA, supporting both the richness of your unique design and practical ways to express and move and honour that individuality in your own unique ways. 

Delivered in real time online or a recording (60 mins) to digest at your convenience, discover the pillars of design that are quintessentially you:

  • Discover your specific way of exchanging energy with the world

  • Learn to recognise the ways you feel when you are in alignment, or need to course correct 

  • Know how to make decisions with energetic correctness 

  • Delight in the inherent strengths and gifts you have been born with and understand how these natural qualities can enable you to live a life of grace, purpose and fulfilment

To chat further about why and how learning about your Human Design can support you, book your complimentary 15 minute Discovery Call below.

You can also send us a message.

Our client intake is currently at capacity.


Essential Oil Blends
to support your Human Design

Partnering with the divine Mischa Muse of Infused, it is a delight to offer these bespoke essential oil blends, uniquely created to support your specific Authority – your individual decision making process. Lean into the support offered from your chosen oil to connect, invigorate and activate the energy centre in your body that you are designed to make decisions from or simply enjoy delicious aromatherapy support at anytime.

These blends have been crafted with love and intention to best support you in your day-to-day life.


1:1 Counselling

Held will be opening up weekly 1:1 Counselling sessions soon. To inquire in the meantime, or if you need support now, please get in touch.