The Nervous System

The autonomic nervous system is the foundation for all of our lived experiences. It is where everything begins in the mind-body and it is the social structure we use to find balance and stability in relationship with others. We so often think it is the brain that runs the show but the way we experience and perceive our world and the people in it, the stories about who we are and how we see the world, actually begins and happens beneath the level of the brain, inside the body. 

To put it simply, it is our biology that shapes the way we navigate living, loving and working. 

Humans are biologically hard-wired for connection and every human being has a nervous system: a system comprising the pathways that help us connect, mobilise, immobilise or disappear in life. 

Understanding your nervous system patterning and exploring ways to understand your inner landscape is an empowering inquiry. By tuning in and turning toward the important information our nervous system holds, we can become active authors of our individual stories and experiences.

The offerings here intend to cultivate and nurture an awareness and understanding of what the nervous system is, the way it works and to develop skill in applying this knowledge to your daily life with gentle and compassionate curiosity.  From a foundation of awareness, learn to gently shape this system in new ways and enjoy the sense of ease and support that comes from living with a nervous system that responds with flexibility to the ordinary (and sometimes extraordinary) challenges we meet each day.


Nervous System Support



Anchoring the Nervous System

This online course allows you to learn and activate at your chosen pace. It is designed to provide a deep understanding of Polyvagal Theory and what it has to do with attention, mood and overall wellbeing. Land within a safe, supportive container of learning delivered in bite-sized tutorials and digestible practical exercises.


Yoga for the Nervous System

Self & soul-soothing, self-regulation practices that support finding and feeling connection and meaning with self, others and the world around you through exploration of the vagus nerve in practice.

Not sure what’s right for you? Please reach out.